Super i spelvärlden
– Sunt spelande och att inte bara fastna i en sak är en folkhälsoaspekt. Så att koppla in föräldrarna så här är superbra, vi snackar alltså om en folkhälsoinsats där vi får föräldrarna att förstå vad det handlar om.< /p>
En viktig aspekt med eventet är att belysa hur viktiga de spel- och teknikintresserade barnen och ungdomarna är för samhället. Amanda Lundberg från Teknikcollegesom ärmedarrangör för eventet kommer också finnas på plats under dagarna.
Mässhallarna kommer under två dagar att fyllas av alla möjliga sorters spel – allt från brädspel, rollspel och spel via pc och konsoler. På bilden Anders Degerman, folkhälsosamordnare, Olle Palmér, fritidsledare, Zabina Svensson och Andreas Westman från Consolidate samt Amanda Lundborg från Teknikcollege. Foto: Johanna Karlsson
Förkortningar i spelvärlden
While my knowledge about Lord of Arcana is limited, I was still surprised to find out that the game will be so reliant on God of War-style QTEs during the boss fights.— Phil Kollar, Game Informer, 21 Dec. 2010
Taunt is an Ice spell that draws enemy aggro~ meaning that you’ll be seen as a bigger threat by the enemy you’re fighting, and they’ll attack you instead of the others in your group.— (comment on, 17 Jul. 2012
XP is short for experience points, a common measure of your progress in lots of genres. When you gain enough XP, you typically advance to the next level, which brings new abilities, stat increases, better weapons, or similar. It’s used in both online and offline games.
While my knowledge about Lord of Arcana is limited, I was still surprised to find out that the game will be so reliant on God of War-style QTEs during the boss fights.— Phil Kollar, Game Informer, 21 Dec. 2010
Taunt is an Ice spell that draws enemy aggro~ meaning that you’ll be seen as a bigger threat by the enemy you’re fighting, and they’ll attack you instead of the others in your group.— (comment on, 17 Jul. 2012
Zelda i spelvärlden
When Nintendo revealed the GameCube on August 24, 2000, the day before Nintendo’s Space World 2000 exposition, a software demonstration showed a realistically styled real-time duel between Ganondorf and Link. Fans and the media speculated that the battle might be from a Zelda game in development at the time. At Space World 2001, Nintendo showed a cel-shaded Zelda game, later released as The Wind Waker in December 2002. Due to poor reception, nothing further was shown until a playable demonstration was ready. Miyamoto felt The Wind Waker would “extend Zelda’s reach to all ages”. The gameplay centers on controlling wind with a baton called the “Wind Waker” and sailing a small boat around an island-filled ocean, retaining similar gameplay mechanics as the previous 3D games in the series. The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition, released for the GameCube in 2003, included the original The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, and a demo of The Wind Waker. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD was released for Wii U in 2013.
Koji Kondo (credited as Konchan) composed the game’s five music tracks. He had planned to use Maurice Ravel’s Boléro as the title theme as it perfectly matched its speed. In Japan, music is publicly released over 50 years after the composer’s death. But Kondo was forced to change it in November 1985, late in the game’s development cycle, after learning that it had only been 47 years and 11 months after Ravel’s death. As a result, Kondo wrote a new arrangement of the overworld theme within one day, which has become an iconic motif echoing throughout continued entries of the series.
After initially completing the game, a player can begin a more difficult version referred to as the “Second Quest” (裏ゼルダ, Ura Zeruda, translated literally to “Other Zelda”), which alters many locations, secrets, and includes entirely distinct dungeons and stronger enemies. Although more difficult “replays” were not unique to Zelda, few games offered completely different levels upon the second playthrough. By starting a new file with the name entered as “ZELDA”, this mode can instead be accessed without needing to beat the game first.